-WEEK 50 PHOTOS- Spars Arrive, Cleats Go On, Christening The Boat

Brendan's hand drawn lettering up for placement.

Oliver works on installing the bow cleats.

The product of my work on the main sheet winch, blocks, and cleat.

On Tuesday afternoon, the main mast arrives from Orleans.

A detail of the Main Mast.

"STARRY NIGHT" gold leaf lettering by Brendan.

Alfie spends a couple weeks with us teaching us how to install the mast hardware. Here he installs the head with the LED lights.

Stepping the Mizzen mast, an easy task for 2 people.

Readying the Main Mast for stepping.

Alfie's fancy feathering two blade prop.

Baxter brings in a crane to lift up the main mast...though it only weighs roughly 130lbs.

Stepping the Main.

The main in and secured with temporary line stays.

Alfie works on splicing in the thimbles in the wire stays for the main mast.

She is now a yawl.

With the booms rigged, Alfie shows Oliver the placement for the centerboard pennant blocks.

On Friday, Alfie installs the Tiller and the rain washes the deck down.

Saturday afternoon, September 12, the crew of PBW, designers of the MC-30 for a photograph.

She touches salt water for the first time.

And rests safely at the dock at Pease Boat Works, with the boatyard in the background.

On Monday, I help Alfie tow the STARRY NIGHT to Nantucket.

Rounding Brant Point.

The Last Shot Of The Week. After a year of building, she rests at Old North Wharf in Nantucket.

-Week 49 PHOTOS- rudder, centerboard installation, masts arrive!

The rudder with some fresh bottom paint.

Here are the chain plate bases with a teak pad underneath.

Brendan opens up the holes for the chain plate rods.

Theres the rod sticking up without the base on it.

The stuffing box for the tiller attachment.

The final installation of the centerboard.

I went around a filled in some deck caulking, like this aft section.

And these spots with tape and wax paper over them.

Here is where the centerboard pennant comes through the cabin sole.

A custom made exhaust pipe for the engine.

Alfie made this tiller out of black locust with a heavy duty bronze fitting.

A simple sapele plywood base for the head with bolts set in with g-flex.

Its friday and the mizzen mast and booms arrive!

Here I am holding up the mizzen boom for scale.

Alfie designed in a angelique head for the mizzen mast for strength.

The Last Shot of The Week. Here is the mizzen mast center, boom to the left, and main boom to the right.