A long needed update 10/3/09

Its been awhile since i've last posted any text, so its about time. Looking back on the pictures up on the site, its clear that a lot has happened, specifically, the launching of the boat. Before that, we spent the week working under Alfie, as Brendan, Drew, and Dave focused on the new tender they're building. With Alfie, Oliver and I were busy installing cleats, winches, and blocks around the boat and on the two masts and booms that arrived during the week before the launching. We also installed and secured the pulpits and the stanchions around the boat. Small teak blocks needed to be made specially for each stanchion and pulpit base. The sail track for the spars was screwed on and on thursday the crane arrived to step the main mast. Only weighing roughly 130 lbs, it might have been possible to step it under human power, although its length would have been awkward to handle. The mizzen on the other-hand, was easier to step with two people then a fourteen foot dinghy's mast.

Oliver and I gave the deck a final sanding with 120 grit to remove the rest of the dried glue, and any scuff marks left in the deck since it was installed months ago. Then the clouds came and spurting rain over the boat, which revealed the most beautiful colors in all the wood throughout the boat.

Meanwhile, Alfie was busy installing as much PVC plumbing as he could.

The launch date, needless to say, was a spectacular event. It was held on Saturday, September 12 and under light rains three beautiful speeches were given, and she was christened first by Bill Eddy, an interim minister with some boat building experience of his own, and finally by Sandi Holland with a wonderful smash of a champaign bottle. Once in the water and with the crowds departed, we really got to stand back and see the boat in the water and although she float a little high in the bow, we were all very happy.

That monday, I used my boat to tow the MC-30 through the bridge and out across Nantucket Sound to Alfie's pier in Nantucket. Everything went smoothly and she is resting safe on Nantucket where we continue to work on her, putting on the finishing touches.

Since the launch date, I had a feeling that the project of recording the work done to STARRY NIGHT was complete. But it is not. It has been a lot of work updating this site, but it has been satisfying to me over the last year, and I will do my best to get a few more updates in until she is sailing under her own power.

-WEEK 50 PHOTOS- Spars Arrive, Cleats Go On, Christening The Boat

Brendan's hand drawn lettering up for placement.

Oliver works on installing the bow cleats.

The product of my work on the main sheet winch, blocks, and cleat.

On Tuesday afternoon, the main mast arrives from Orleans.

A detail of the Main Mast.

"STARRY NIGHT" gold leaf lettering by Brendan.

Alfie spends a couple weeks with us teaching us how to install the mast hardware. Here he installs the head with the LED lights.

Stepping the Mizzen mast, an easy task for 2 people.

Readying the Main Mast for stepping.

Alfie's fancy feathering two blade prop.

Baxter brings in a crane to lift up the main mast...though it only weighs roughly 130lbs.

Stepping the Main.

The main in and secured with temporary line stays.

Alfie works on splicing in the thimbles in the wire stays for the main mast.

She is now a yawl.

With the booms rigged, Alfie shows Oliver the placement for the centerboard pennant blocks.

On Friday, Alfie installs the Tiller and the rain washes the deck down.

Saturday afternoon, September 12, the crew of PBW, designers of the MC-30 for a photograph.

She touches salt water for the first time.

And rests safely at the dock at Pease Boat Works, with the boatyard in the background.

On Monday, I help Alfie tow the STARRY NIGHT to Nantucket.

Rounding Brant Point.

The Last Shot Of The Week. After a year of building, she rests at Old North Wharf in Nantucket.

-Week 49 PHOTOS- rudder, centerboard installation, masts arrive!

The rudder with some fresh bottom paint.

Here are the chain plate bases with a teak pad underneath.

Brendan opens up the holes for the chain plate rods.

Theres the rod sticking up without the base on it.

The stuffing box for the tiller attachment.

The final installation of the centerboard.

I went around a filled in some deck caulking, like this aft section.

And these spots with tape and wax paper over them.

Here is where the centerboard pennant comes through the cabin sole.

A custom made exhaust pipe for the engine.

Alfie made this tiller out of black locust with a heavy duty bronze fitting.

A simple sapele plywood base for the head with bolts set in with g-flex.

Its friday and the mizzen mast and booms arrive!

Here I am holding up the mizzen boom for scale.

Alfie designed in a angelique head for the mizzen mast for strength.

The Last Shot of The Week. Here is the mizzen mast center, boom to the left, and main boom to the right.

-Week 47 & 48 PHOTOS- two weeks, many photos-

Dave's beautiful work on the rudder.

The finished companionway ladder.

Here it is getting installed in the boat.

Here is the rough centerboard laminated with Ipe that Brad is building.

Dave closes the door on the rudder and prepares to clamp it shut.

A little shim I built for the bow cap rail.

The first coat of Cetol on the Locust rub rails.

The decks get covered with heavy construction paper before the finishing process so that nothing gets spilt on the teak.

A quick shot of the MC-30 poster that I designed for PBW to bring up to the Maine Boats and Home show last month.

Here are the companion way hatches with stain and cetol.

Meg shows us how to stain the mahogany.

Here is the mahogany with the stain on, before cetol.

Drew begins to apply cetol to the mahogany.

After Oliver and I take a week of for a cruise on the IMPALA, we return to an empty shop.

And a beautiful looking boat on the railway:

While we were gone, the topsides were finished, all brightwork as well.

The water ways were painted.

And the coach house roof as well.

My first project upon returning was adding deadwood to the section of lead ballast that was removed to save weight.

The rudder installed and sealed with epoxy.

Here I begin to kerf cut the deadwood.

And chisel it out.

Here is Brad's rudder, covered in a clear coat of epoxy.

The deadwood installed and sealed with epoxy.

Oliver worked on making the stanchion base blocks and here he installs them with natural bedding compound.

The Last Shot of The Week, the centerboard is finished and painted with E-paint bottom paint.