Week 12 Write Up - Lots of Fairing and beginning the final laminate layer

Another week spent on laminating.  By Tuesday, we had completed the 7th layer of laminates.  Thus, 8.5 hours was spent on Wednesday fairing the hull to perfection.  

In preparation for the final layer, Drew and I cut 1/16th of an inch off each edge of each of the laminates for the final layer.  This process was done one by one and will really help to make a really crisp, tight fit.  Also on Wednesday, the Magic 30 received an early christmas present, her Yanmar saildrive engine.  While drew and I were fairing the hull and preparing the laminates for the final layer, Brendan was busy cold molding the stern.  Instead of having laminates cross at 50 degree angles, like rest of the boat, for the final layer on the stern, the laminates are attaching horizontally.  This will give the stern a very polished and beautiful finish.  The screw holes used to attach the laminates are then bunged at evenly spaced intervals.  It really looks nice.

By Thursday afternoon, Drew and I had attach the first few laminates of the 8th and last layer.  It really is amazing to think that there are 7 other layers of these boards underneath what you will see.  If you hadn't been following the blog, or participated in the construction, you might never know.  

By Friday, Drew and I dry fitting roughly 20 laminates on either side of the bow.  This final layer is a little bit slower then the other layers, because each board must be fitted precisely for a beautiful finish without voids.  

In the weeks ahead, we look forward to finishing the cold molding process, perhaps with a toast of whisky, attaching the stem and skeg shoes and flipping the boat over to begin the interior.

Here is the week 12 time lapse update (unfortunately, the battery died on wed. and I missed all the fairing!)

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